Our mission is to offer training that strengthens staff development, resulting in well-informed and skilled professionals. We are unique agency because we offer training and consulting services to residential and non-residential human services programs while using a cultural lens.
We will travel to organizations to assist in creating specific training's to accommodate staff that work outside traditional business hours.
Organization Training Sessions
Training Sessions Offered
At Roni LifeWorks Training Center in Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, we offer :
Trauma Informed-Care Using a Cultural Lens (Two Sessions)
Cultural Competency
Basic Cultural Competency 101 (4 Hours)
Advanced Cultural Competency 102 (4 Hours)
"Let's Celebrate Differences!"
Foster Care (speaker refer DHS)
Impact of Foster Care: Providing Support to African American Families (6 Hours)
People of Color Preparing for the Foster Care System: Entry to a New Home, Exiting the Old Home, Exiting to No Home, Reuniting to Home (6 Hours)
Residential and Non-Residential Programs
Residential Advocates (RA Certification) (2 Days, 8 Hours)
Street Outreach Advocates (SOA Certification) (2 Days, 8 Hours)
Securing Your Program (Milieu Management) (6 hours)
Serving Healthy Meals for Your Program (4 hours)
Applying Harm Reduction and Low Barrier Methods (5 Hours)
Domestic Violence DV 101 and 102 (20 Hours)
Impact of Domestic Violence: Transitioning Women of Color to Safety (4 Hours
Safety Planning (4 Hours)
Legal Advocacy 101 (4 Hours)
Advanced Legal Advocacy 102 (Certification) (8 Hours)
Group Facilitation
Group Facilitating 101 (Certification)
Advanced Group Facilitating 102 (Certification)
Case Management
Case Managing 101 (Certification)
Case Managing 102 (Certification)
Job Burnout/Stressors
How to Avoid Burnout and Recover
Circle of Affirmation: All About Soothing Music and Meditation!